Saturday, February 12, 2011

It all falls apart, and a moment of clarity

On Wednesday, our oven range called it quits. According to my darling husband, this happened in rather dramatic fashion as he was trying to warm up a burrito for lunch. 

There are several ways in which I could have reacted to this event, the natural reaction being one of frustration as the water heater just had to be replaced 10 days ago.  But, another convergence of events has taken place and I have learned that it does no good to get stressed out about such mundane things like water heaters and ovens.  We are really doing okay.  We are put on this Earth for a tiny blip in time and need not concern ourselves too much with such minor annoyances.  We simply had to get creative in the kitchen, using our wood stove to cook ham and eggs, and to bring out the electric griddle for pancakes (breakfast for dinner is the best!). We may have the new oven hooked up by Monday.

Where is this new calmness coming from?  I think I can largely thank some acupuncture treatments for this current moment of clarity, as well as some significant changes that have occurred at work.  One of our team member's lost her job due to budget cuts, and the entire school faces some major restructuring.  I think that sudden slap in the face provided me with the impetus to reevaluate and figure out how to pursue a dream I've had for the past ten years, which is to become a midwife.  I enjoy teaching, but I'm not passionate about it.  When I first considered midwifery I was in my third year of college, and the idea of five more years of school was too daunting (it would have been easier if I had decided to go into nursing right after high school, but hindsight is 20-20).  I will still have to go to school for at least three years full time to take the most accepted education route to become a midwife.  But, with my darling husband's blessing, the process doesn't seem as daunting as it did 10 years ago, even if it requires me to move to the City for a year (yikes!). 

I think we all have a Truth inside us that sometimes we ignore, or sometimes we fight against.  Some find that Truth more easily than others.  My path thus far has certainly been long and winding, but I suppose it's all part of the journey of life.


  1. I remember the days of thinking of midwifery! :)

    Just found your blog - didn't know! Will certainly read for your wonderful thoughts and insight.

    All of my love to you. We should talk soon.

    <3 Tracy

  2. Go for it. Part of the journey is finding what we are truly passionate about, which definitely includes our career path.
