It's been a long winter. Now that daylight savings has begun and it doesn't get dark until 8 o'clock, my internal clock says that it must be warm outside. Oh no. We've had at least snow flurries pretty much every day since October and the temperature may have peaked above 40 degrees once. But it can't last forever, right?
In the meantime, aside from brief forays outside for spontaneous sledding parties and dodgeball in the snow, Bud has kept himself occupied with the normal 10-year old activities. Mainly this is reading, and I think he has gone through all of Rick Riordan's books (the Percy Jackson series and its offshoots) at least once.
On the car ride back home from Taekwon-do, he and his buddy were playing with their i-pods. It's funny how the games they enjoy most are variations on word and picture games (pictionary, guesstures, etc) that we grown-ups used to play with a board, paper and pencil. But I don't think he's actually familiar with the actual board/card versions of these games. How times change. Then, at the dinner table tonight, the following conversation occurs:
Bud: I learned this really cool game. I really want to play it with both of you.
Us: Okay. What is it?
Bud: Well, you act out a word and people have to guess.
Us: You mean charades!?
Bud: I guess. But it's really cool.
He could hardly sit through the rest of dinner he was so excited about playing. And for a half hour, the three of us played charades. One of the first charades he did though, which my darling husband figured out, was a scene from the old black and white film, The General. I continue to be surprised with how the ten-year old mind works.
Here's looking for spring...somewhere.
We have to get our boys together. My kids *love* The General. :)