In the meantime, aside from brief forays outside for spontaneous sledding parties and dodgeball in the snow, Bud has kept himself occupied with the normal 10-year old activities. Mainly this is reading, and I think he has gone through all of Rick Riordan's books (the Percy Jackson series and its offshoots) at least once.
On the car ride back home from Taekwon-do, he and his buddy were playing with their i-pods. It's funny how the games they enjoy most are variations on word and picture games (pictionary, guesstures, etc) that we grown-ups used to play with a board, paper and pencil. But I don't think he's actually familiar with the actual board/card versions of these games. How times change. Then, at the dinner table tonight, the following conversation occurs:

Bud: I learned this really cool game. I really want to play it with both of you.
Us: Okay. What is it?
Bud: Well, you act out a word and people have to guess.
Us: You mean charades!?
Bud: I guess. But it's really cool.
He could hardly sit through the rest of dinner he was so excited about playing. And for a half hour, the three of us played charades. One of the first charades he did though, which my darling husband figured out, was a scene from the old black and white film, The General. I continue to be surprised with how the ten-year old mind works.
Here's looking for spring...somewhere.
We have to get our boys together. My kids *love* The General. :)