Monday, June 4, 2012

It's been a little busy...

I know I missed First Friday, and I haven't updated you all on the lambs that have suddenly arrived.  Nursing school started and it's a bit overwhelming.  In addition to a gazillion pages of reading and skills modules, clinicals and lecture times, I am also trying to at least spend some quality time with the family, maintain the garden at a moderate level of weeds, make sure that all the lambs are thriving and get this new Farmers' Market off the ground.  So...there's very little time to write for leisure.  I don't recall ever being this tired before although I'm sure I was when I was in my first years of teaching.  I think I just need to acclimate to the new schedule, including the fact that I only get one out of every five weekends off (when the courses switch).  I do have some funny sheep and lamb stories to share and I'll try to post those with photos later this week.  Two sets of lambs arrived within 10 hours of each other when I was home alone and preparing for my first day of clinical (I predicted it was going to happen that way).  We have never had this many ovines on the property before and more are yet to come. 


  1. So, does birthing lambs count as clinical hours? (They should!) Good luck.

  2. Between the six lambs and the sick dog it seems my time and money would have been better spent at veterinary school!
