The chickens I think are feeling the heat. And they're going through a huge molting as well. Which means we are really not getting any eggs--maybe 2 a day if we're lucky. For most households, this is not necessarily a problem but the 8 year old loves, loves, LOVES french toast which requires eggs, zucchini bread uses eggs, blueberry muffins require eggs, and mayonnaise requires eggs. My darling husband is ready to dispatch the hens (this is their second year) but I'm hoping they start picking up the pace and make it through until next fall. Obviously, we will be getting a new batch of chicks in the spring to replace these current non-laying layers (keep your mind out of the gutter).
The pigs are eating us out of house and home. Each pig eats about 50lbs of grain per week in addition to any and all garden scrap, restaurant scrap, weed scrap that we have around. We also use a 50 gallon water tank for them which they prefer to stick half their bodies in when they drink, thus getting it dirty pretty quickly.

We are also waiting on those last 75 lbs and the bacon that will come with 'em!