Upon paying for the vaccinations I was told that they needed names to go on their rabies certificates. At home we had been tossing out names casually for some weeks. They were originally R2 and D2. R2 soon became Romeo for his loving nature, but naming his sister Juliet just wasn't okay. Plus they both had tragic endings. One has a white ring around its neck, so Ringo was suggested. Unfortunately, that kitten was the female. Yoko Ono and Lennon? Also tragic and not good for a brother and sister. So, what famous brother-sister pair is there? The first and really only one I could think of that didn't end tragically is Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. And so in that moment at the reception desk at the vet, the kittens were christened Luke and Leia. And no, I'm not sure how to spell Leia, but that's the spelling that's going to appear on the rabies certificate.
Now Leia is really not a "princess" princess if you know what I mean. She's relatively laid back and minds her own business. Yes, she's affectionate, enjoys being held, and purrs all the time, but doesn't have that particular air around her. Not demanding or condescending or a beauty queen. Of course, I don't think Princess Leia played by Carrie Fisher had that "princess" quality either. She was pretty hardcore. But to Leia's credit, the cat does know how to pose.

She saw me with the camera, and immediately sat down. Not the best facial expression, but at least she was still for the photo.
Getting her brother to stay still for a shot was a different story. The following are the pictures that I got of him, none of which captures his true self (or maybe they do?!):

This is where I would normally insert some off-color remark about males in general, but I will refrain. I can tell yout this: after seeing the bill for the vaccinations, Luke and Leia are going to have to start earning their keep with some serious mousing!
I didn't even know you had cats! Or that you had a blog! I love following blogs.