It's been a while since I've written. Honestly, I've been overwhelmed with nursing school. When I was in a whining mode a few weeks ago a friend (and former colleague) mentioned that I should try to shape the experience in a positive light and I've been consciously trying to do that since then. A neighbor (who has been a nurse for years) asked me just the other day how I was doing, and before I could give her an answer she responded "Powering through?" and I think that is the best description I have heard. It's not that I dislike school; I simply have no time to process. My schedule is full and unpredictable, thus throwing my family in disarray more often than I would like to admit and relying on my darling husband to manage the household and farm (and his wife's frequent bouts of irritability).
So, in light of all of this a few random thoughts that I've collected over the past several weeks. Most could be developed into a blog post of their own, but it's not going to happen. In random order:
Kids grow up fast. I can clearly remember when Bud was a toddler, and
now he is a lively, 10-year old who is able to rationally defend an
argument and offer valuable contributions to a conversation. This is a fun
age. At times he can be trying (think 10 going on 15) but he really
wants to do good and be good and still insists on a hug and kiss each
night before bed. This afternoon he even hung out with me at a quilt show.
It is true. Dogs become depressed too. We lost Belle in early December, and Daisy spent the subsequent weeks dazed and confused. She's recovering now, but there was certainly a transition period.
Kale survives snowstorms just fine.
Discussion post questions on Blackboard are completely overrated; and far more bearable to write with a yuengling in hand.
The best brownie recipe I've ever made uses melted Crisco as the fat. And a heck of a lot of sugar. But it's quick and easy and you can find it here.
Nuclear family vacations are important. My darling husband, Bud and I traveled to Belize over Christmas; it was our first real vacation without extended family members and we had a blast.
Social media soundbites are going to be the death of this nation. A group of people picks up on a single phrase pulled out of context and suddenly a "new cause" is taken up and the gulf widens between groups. Apparently, it's cool to be polarized. Unfortunately, that means that nothing will ever be accomplished. If only people would take a moment to breathe, understand different perspective and the roots from which those perspectives came, and engage in intelligent, thoughtful discussion...